Quilting Preparation
- In order to obtain the highest quality and satisfaction in the finished product, please consider the following information.
- Please, do NOT use scented fabric softener if you wash your fabrics. Thank you!
Quilt Top Prep:
- Quilt top and backing need to be well pressed, flat and squared off on all four sides.
- All seams to the edge need to be secured. Stay stitch around the whole quilt with a 1/8" seam.
- Ripples/Waves* in the border of the top will not quilt out. To alleviate this issue: measure the borders carefully. An extra fee will be charged to shrink wavy borders.
- Measure the width of the quilt down the center and both sides. Average the three measurements. Example: 61" + 62" + 62" = 183 divide by 3 - average 61"
- Pin the border on the quilt in the center and both ends before stitching.
- If there is a "top" to the quilt, please note.
*Here is a link to a great video on how to put borders on so there will be no excess. Adding Quilt Borders: by National Quilters Circle.
Quilt Back Prep
- Please do not use polyester or sheets for backing.
- Backing, whether pieced or wide back, must be a minimum of 8" longer than quilt top and 6" wider to best fit on the frame of the long-arm machine.
- If backing is seamed, remove selvages after seaming.
- There is no need to remove selvages on outer edges.
- Square up backing by folding in half lengthwise, making sure the fold is even. Square up the top/bottom edge if necessary.
- Do not baste or pin the layers together.
- Below is the best way to lay out your quilt and check to see if it's square and there is enough backing.

Basic Information
- Pieced batting will not be accepted.
- Butterfly Quilting makes no guarantee the quilt will be free of any issues if the quilt has not been prepared properly.
- If there are any issues with the quilt, opening seams, wavy borders, the customer will be notified. $25.00 minimum will be charged to alleviate all issues.
- Customers have the option to choose the pattern/s and thread color, or let Butterfly Quilting make the choices.